So I've decided to Get Organized!
As soon as Christmas was over, I cleared off a spot on a bookcase in the dining room for things I could stack neatly away when needed - actually I had to clear off 2 wide shelves, as my baby is quite the creative creature as well! He has as many projects going on any given day as I do!
Well just that shelf (wide as it may be) was not nearly enough, so I've had to find other places to put things away ... But keep them visible and easily accessible whenever I need to get at anything. So to help me out, Hubby & I have been buying tools to assist the organizational process - A Label Maker, A Printer (great big YAY to best husband ever!!!), a Large Binder, a 3-Prong Hole Puncher, a Plastic Container for Yarn - see-through so that I always know what I have on hand - and a lovely Tackle Box with many compartments for all of my small items. Whew! With all that, who couldn't be organized!

I just love being organized!
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